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Orasul Gotham este atacat! Joker si aghiotantii sai au evadat din Azilul Arkham si au eliberat toti prizonierii, pentru a distruge orasul.
Primul loc pe care acestia au decis sa il atace este pestera lui Batman, din dorinta de a se razbuna pe cel care i-a pus in spatele gratiilor cu ani in urma.
Dupa ce l-au ucis pe Alfred, majordomul si prietenul apropiat al lui Bruce Wayne, grupul de raufacatori a instalat o serie de capcane si jocuri malefice in ascunzatoarea eroului, pentru a-l tine captiv si pentru a-l tortura.
Este timpul ca Bruce Wayne sa isi puna din nou masca si sa redevina Batman, eroul de care Gotham are nevoie! Pentru asta, el trebuie sa evadeze din propria pestera, sa ii prinda pe Joker si pe aliatii lui si sa ii aduca acolo unde le este locul: in fata justitiei!
Camera beneficiaza de o atmosfera unica, data de lumina UV si de efectele sonore. Gradul de mecanizare este unul ridicat, iar puzzle-urile sunt apreciate pentru unicitatea lor. Tocmai originalitatea jocului este cea care le poate da batai de cap chiar si jucatorilor experimentati. Deci, don’t joke with The Joker. Save Batman!


  Sunt de acord cu  termenii si conditiile

* Required
Rezervarile fara date de contact complete sau incorecte vor fi sterse
Tip joc: Liniar
Munca de echipa: 9/10
Nivel de experienta: Incepator
Grad mecanizare: 9/10
Record: Euromaidan – 26’00”
Durata joc: 1 ora
Numar jucatori: 2-6
Varsta minima: 14 ani
Copiii sub 14 ani pot participa la joc doar in cadrul unor echipe de adulti

Procentaj de evadare

Jack the Ripper escape room
Fast and Furious escape room
The Flying Dutchman escape room

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Gotham city is under attack. The Joker and his henchmen have broken out of Arkham Asylum and they have set free all the other prisoners to wreak havoc on the city!
The first place that they have decided to target is the caped crusader’s hideout, The Batcave, and seek revenge on the one that has imprisoned all of them years ago.
After murdering Alfred, Bruce Wayne’s faithful butler and close friend, the group of villains have set a series of traps and evil games in the Dark Knight’s hideout to hold him captive.
It is time for Bruce Wayne to once again put on the mask and become Batman, the hero Gotham needs, and escape from his hideout to apprehend the Joker and his allies, bringing justice to the city!
The room has a unique atmosphere, given by UV light and sound effects. The degree of mechanization is high, and the puzzles appreciated for their uniqueness. It is precisely the originality of the game that can cause headaches even to experienced players. So, don’t joke with The Joker. Save Batman!


  Sunt de acord cu  termenii si conditiile

* Required
Rezervarile fara date de contact complete sau incorecte vor fi sterse
Game type: Linear
Teamwork: 9/10
Experience level: Beginer
Degree of mechanization: 9/10
Best time: Euromaidan – 26’00”
Duration: 1 hour
Number of players: 2-6
Minimum age: 14 years
Children under 14 years of age can play only as part of adult teams

Success Rate

Jack the Ripper escape room
Fast and Furious escape room
The Flying Dutchman escape room